Close the windows immediately.change into passive voice.

The windows need to be closed

Wot is incorrect.

The windows should be closed immediately.

To change the given sentence "Close the windows immediately" into the passive voice, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the subject and the object of the sentence:
- Subject: You (implied)
- Object: windows

2. Move the object (windows) to the beginning of the sentence:
- Windows (object)

3. Use the appropriate form of the verb "to be" followed by the past participle of the main verb (close):
- Windows are closed

4. Add the optional agent (the doer of the action), using the preposition "by" before it:
- Windows are closed (by someone)

Putting everything together, the sentence "Close the windows immediately" in the passive voice becomes:
"The windows are closed (by someone) immediately."

Note: If you don't know who closed the windows, you can omit the agent, and the sentence would be: "The windows are closed immediately."