While John is traveling along an interstate highway, he notices a 160-mile marker as he passes through town. Later John passes another mile marker,115.

A ) what is the distance between town and john’s current location?
B)what is john’s current position?

@oobleck you're worthless

To find the distance between town and John's current location, we need to subtract the mile marker where John is currently located (115) from the mile marker of the town (160).

A) Distance between town and John's location:
Distance = Town's mile marker - Current mile marker
Distance = 160 - 115
Distance = 45 miles

Therefore, the distance between the town and John's current location is 45 miles.

B) To determine John's current position, we need to figure out the mile marker where he is located. This can be done by adding the distance he has traveled from the town to its mile marker.

John's Current Position (mile marker) = Town's mile marker - Distance traveled from the town
John's Current Position = 160 - 45
John's Current Position = 115 mile marker

Therefore, John's current position is the 115-mile marker.

Assuming his current location is marker 115, then

A - what, you cannot subtract 160-115 ?
B - well, duh.

If he has gone past marker 115, there's no way to tell his "current location"