Sorry ik its alot Why did the policy of isolationism no longer work for new American leaders?

2. Why did Mahan suggest establishing a network of bases to support the expanding navy?
3. What were the economic reasons for expanding American territory?
4. What religious and social interests pushed America toward expansion?
5. What motivated progressive reformers to spread their ideas in foreign countries?

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However, if you post what you think about the 5 questions I left here, someone may be able to critique your thinking for you.

1. The policy of isolationism no longer worked for new American leaders for a variety of reasons. One of the key factors was the changing geopolitical landscape. As the United States became a major global power, its interests expanded beyond its borders. American leaders recognized that they needed to engage with other nations to protect their economic and security interests. Additionally, the rise of global conflicts, such as World War I and World War II, made it clear that isolationism was no longer a viable option in ensuring national security.

To understand why isolationism no longer worked, you can study the shift in American foreign policy and the events that shaped it during the time period in question. Reading historical accounts, diplomatic correspondences, and presidential speeches from this era can provide insights into the reasons behind the change in approach.

2. Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan, an influential naval strategist, suggested establishing a network of bases to support the expanding navy for several reasons. Mahan believed that a strong navy was crucial to a nation's power and prosperity. He argued that control over sea trade routes was essential for maintaining economic dominance and securing national security.

To delve further into Mahan's arguments and ideas, you can study his writings, particularly his book "The Influence of Sea Power Upon History," which outlines his theories on naval strategy and the importance of sea power. Analyzing his arguments in relation to the historical context of his time can provide a comprehensive understanding of why he advocated for a network of bases.

3. There were multiple economic reasons for expanding American territory. One significant motive was access to new markets and resources. By acquiring additional territories, the United States could gain control over valuable natural resources, expand its agricultural land, and establish trade routes to foster economic growth.

To explore the economic reasons for American territorial expansion, you can study the history of specific expansionist episodes, such as the Louisiana Purchase, annexation of Texas, or the acquisition of territories during the Spanish-American War. Analyzing economic data, trade patterns, and the motivations of political and business leaders involved can provide insights into the economic factors driving territorial expansion.

4. Several religious and social interests played a role in pushing America toward expansion. One major factor was the ideology of Manifest Destiny, which held that it was the mission of the United States to spread American values, democracy, and Christianity across the continent. Many Americans believed in the righteousness of expanding their territory, viewing it as a divine mission.

To understand the religious and social interests that influenced America's expansionist agenda, you can study the ideology of Manifest Destiny and its origins. Exploring primary sources such as speeches, writings, and religious texts can shed light on how these beliefs motivated Americans to push for territorial expansion.

5. Progressive reformers were motivated to spread their ideas in foreign countries for several reasons. One of the primary motivations was the belief in the universal ideals of democracy, human rights, and social justice. Progressive reformers saw themselves as agents of positive societal change and sought to export their progressive values to other nations.

To understand the motivations of progressive reformers to spread their ideas abroad, you can study the progressive movement in American history and its key figures. Exploring the writings and speeches of prominent progressive reformers, as well as analyzing their objectives and the historical context in which they operated, can provide insights into why they were motivated to spread their ideas beyond U.S. borders.