What was the function of Sumerian seals?

A. to honor a city-state's god or goddesses
B. o serve as a personalized signature
C. to serve as a common trade currency
D. to serve as a standardized measure of weight
I think it is B

I agree.

The function of Sumerian seals was to serve as a personalized signature. They were used to identify and authenticate individuals, particularly in bureaucratic and administrative tasks.

The function of Sumerian seals was primarily to serve as a personalized signature, so you are correct that option B is the correct answer. Now, let me explain why.

In Sumerian society, individuals would use seals to mark and authenticate documents or objects. These seals were typically made of stone or clay and were usually engraved with a unique design or symbol. When someone wanted to verify the authenticity of a document or item, they would compare the seal impression left on it with the original seal owned by the individual. This helped to ensure the integrity and ownership of important documents, such as contracts or legal agreements.

Seals were not used as a form of currency or a measure of weight in Sumerian society. Instead, they served as a means of identification and personalization. Additionally, although religious beliefs were an integral part of Sumerian culture, the primary purpose of seals was not to honor deities or city-state gods and goddesses.

Therefore, the correct statement is that Sumerian seals functioned as a personalized signature (option B).