A letter from the word MATHEMATICS is chosen at random. What Is the probability that the following letters are chosen S

What is the probability of drawing the letter m

there are 11 letters , and one S

To find the probability of choosing the letter "S" from the word MATHEMATICS, we need to know the total number of letters in the word and the number of instances of "S" in the word.

Step 1: Count the total number of letters in the word MATHEMATICS.
The word MATHEMATICS has 11 letters.

Step 2: Count the number of instances of the letter "S" in the word MATHEMATICS.
The letter "S" appears only once in the word MATHEMATICS.

Step 3: Calculate the probability.
The probability of choosing "S" is the number of instances of "S" divided by the total number of letters in the word.

Probability of choosing "S" = (Number of instances of "S") / (Total number of letters)

Probability of choosing "S" = 1 / 11

Therefore, the probability of choosing the letter "S" from the word MATHEMATICS is 1/11.

To calculate the probability of a specific letter, such as "S," being chosen from the word "MATHEMATICS," we need to know the total number of letters in the word and the number of occurrences of the letter "S."

Let's break it down step by step:

1. Determine the total number of letters in the word: "MATHEMATICS" has a total of 11 letters.

2. Identify the number of occurrences of the letter "S" in the word: In "MATHEMATICS," there are no occurrences of the letter "S."

3. Calculate the probability: Since there are no occurrences of the letter "S" in the word, the probability of choosing "S" is 0 out of 11, which can be expressed as 0/11 or simply 0.

Therefore, the probability of choosing the letter "S" from the word "MATHEMATICS" is 0.