Tin (Sn) exists in earths crust as SnO2. Calculate the percent composition by mass of Sn and O in SnO2.

Please help me with this question I'm so confused

Sn atomic mass = 118.71

Oxygen atomic mass = 16.00
Number of tin atoms = 1
Number of oxygen atoms = 2
Total mass = (118.71*1)+(16.00*2)
= 150.71

(118.71/150.71)*100 = percentage of tin composition in SnO2
((16.00*2))/150.71)*100 = percentage of oxygen composition in SnO2

So do they have to be separate percentages or do you add them together

Sure, I can help you with that!

To calculate the percent composition by mass of Sn and O in SnO2, we need to determine the molar masses of Sn and O and then use them to calculate the mass of Sn and O in SnO2.

Step 1: Find the molar masses
The molar mass of Sn is 118.71 g/mol (you can find this value on the periodic table). The molar mass of O is 16.00 g/mol.

Step 2: Determine the molecular formula mass
The molecular formula mass is the sum of the molar masses of all the elements in the compound. In this case, it would be:

SnO2: (Sn: 1 * 118.71 g/mol) + (O: 2 * 16.00 g/mol) = 118.71 g/mol + 32.00 g/mol = 150.71 g/mol

Step 3: Calculate the mass percent of each element
To calculate the mass percent of Sn and O, we can use the following formulas:

Mass percent of Sn = (Mass of Sn / Molecular formula mass) * 100%
Mass percent of O = (Mass of O / Molecular formula mass) * 100%

Mass of Sn = 1 * molar mass of Sn = 1 * 118.71 g/mol
Mass of O = 2 * molar mass of O = 2 * 16.00 g/mol

Now we can substitute these values into the formulas:

Mass percent of Sn = (118.71 g / 150.71 g) * 100% ≈ 78.769%
Mass percent of O = (32.00 g / 150.71 g) * 100% ≈ 21.231%

So the percent composition by mass of Sn and O in SnO2 is approximately:
Sn: 78.769%
O: 21.231%

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.

You don't get it??? The calculation gave you the % Sn and the % Oxygen. You don't do anything with them You might notice they add to 100% and they should.

Think about it. If you had 10 lbs oranges and 10 lbs apples in a basket what percentage apples and what percentage oranges do you have?
(10 lbs apples/total of 20 lbs) *100 = 50%
Likewise % Sn = (grams Sn/total grams)*100 = ?
I'll bet you could do the apples/oranges problem in your head. So don't let changing apples to tin and oranges to oxygen make any difference in your thinking skills.