Which of the following is a statistical question? A. How many floors does the empire state building have? B. How many states are there in the United States? C. How tall is the Washington monument in Washington DC? D. How old was each US president when he was elected?

Plz help!

A. Is the right anwser

the answer is D. How old was each U.S. President when he was elected

thx bro

wait which one though-

social gurl the answer is d

Thanks i needed to check my answer!


U guys r Al dumb for using this app

Woq sure

Of the options provided, option D is the statistical question. A statistical question is one that would involve gathering data and analyzing it using statistical methods. In this case, the question "How old was each US president when he was elected?" requires collecting data on the age of each president at the time they were elected, which can then be analyzed statistically. This question involves a quantitative variable (age) and a set of individuals (US presidents), making it a statistical question.