a-re-na (uh RE nuh) n.1. a central area used for sports or other forms of entertainment and surrounded by seats for spectators 2. a field of competition or activity adj. taking place in an arena, as in arena football [From the Latin harena, or “sand”; in ancient times, sand was spread on the grounds where competitions of combat were held.]
Use the dictionary entry to answer the question.
According to the word history, what is the origin of the word arena?
A. It comes from a form of combat in ancient Rome.
B. It comes from the name of a famous gladiator.
C. It comes from a Latin word meaning “sand.”
D. It was originally a cheer used by spectators at ancient games.

Your answer?

According to the word history provided, the origin of the word "arena" is C. It comes from a Latin word meaning "sand."

C. It comes from a Latin word meaning "sand."

To determine the correct answer, you can look at the explanation provided in the square brackets [ ] of the dictionary entry for the word "arena." It states that the term "arena" comes from the Latin word "harena," which means "sand." In ancient times, sand was spread on the grounds where competitions of combat were held, giving rise to the word "arena." Therefore, the correct answer is C: It comes from a Latin word meaning "sand."