“Compare and contrast or independent reading selection with one or two other selections you read this unit. Support your response and at least two pieces of evidence from your independent reading selection. Be sure to give the title and author of your selection.”

This is from Lesson 11: Third Read: The-Story-Teller. I have my independent reading selection picked out (The Outsiders) but my question is am I comparing it with The-Story-Teller or am i comparing it to another selection from this unit? thank you.

Thank you, Writeacher!

The directions say to compare it (The Outsiders) with "one or two other selections you read in this unit." SO... if "The Story-Teller" is one of the others in this unit, then yes, you can use it and The Outsiders for your paper.

Based on the given prompt, it seems you are required to compare and contrast your independent reading selection (The Outsiders) with one or two other selections you read in this unit. It is not specified whether you should compare it with The-Story-Teller or with another selection from this unit, so you have some flexibility in choosing your comparison(s).

Here's the step-by-step guide to answer this question:

1. Identify your independent reading selection: The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton.

2. Review the other selections you have read in this unit. If there are multiple selections, choose one or two that you believe have similarities or differences worth exploring in comparison to The Outsiders.

3. For each selection you choose to compare, identify the title and author.

4. Consider the similarities and differences between The Outsiders and the other selection(s) you have chosen. This could include themes, characters, settings, writing style, or any other elements that you find relevant.

5. Gather evidence from The Outsiders that supports your comparison. Look for specific examples, quotes, or scenes that highlight the similarities or differences between the chosen selections.

6. Use your evidence to support your response in the comparison and contrast. Explain how these pieces of evidence showcase the similarities or differences you have identified.

7. Make sure to include the titles and authors of both The Outsiders and the other selection(s) you are comparing.

To summarize, you should compare your independent reading selection, The Outsiders, with one or two other selections you have read in this unit. This will require you to analyze the similarities and differences between the chosen selections, provide evidence from The Outsiders to support your comparison, and explain your response using that evidence.