I have two questions about the Indus River Valley. I’m gonna try to answer but please correct me. I need at least a couple sentences for each of these.

1. Was religion used to become a leader/claim authority?
I’m not sure about this one but I don’t think they did.

2.Was religion a guide to how people lived?
Yes, instead of war, the people focused more on their religion. They seemed to worship animals, although, researchers had not found any religious temples they practiced their religion at.

1. In the context of the Indus River Valley civilization, it is believed that religion did not play a significant role in claiming authority or establishing leadership. While there is limited evidence available, scholars and archaeologists have not found any strong indicators that suggest the use of religion as a means to gain power or authority. The civilization seemed to have a more egalitarian and decentralized structure, with no clear evidence of a centralized religious or political authority.

2. Religion did play a significant role in influencing the way people lived in the Indus River Valley civilization. Although the exact nature of their religious practices remains somewhat elusive due to limited available evidence, it is believed that the people of the Indus civilization had a strong emphasis on spirituality and worship. While there is a lack of evidence regarding religious temples, some aspects of their religious beliefs and practices are inferred from artifacts, such as seals depicting various animals, possibly indicating the worship or reverence of certain animals. Religion likely played a guiding role in their daily lives, perhaps shaping their moral values and community practices. However, it is important to note that our understanding of the religion of the Indus River Valley civilization is still evolving as more research and archaeological discoveries continue to uncover new insights.