What are all the subsets of the set {-3,6}

1- Zero with a line in it, {-3}, {6}
2- zero with a line through it, {-3}, {6}, {-3,6} ***
3- {-3}, {6}
4- {-3}, {6}, {-3,6}

if you are taking connexus test: solving inequalities unit test, all tests are different so not all answers are correct. quizzes in math, or even other subjects, may be under a different circumstance with the amount of correct ones you get.

Ruby is that really right?

This quiz is for Nevada Connections Academy. I'm not certain if this quiz is identical. <= equals less than or equal to >= equals greater than or equal to

1. 11 D
2. 4 B
3. 2 A
4. {1, 2, 4, 8, 16} A
5. {2, 4, 6, 8} A
6. x >=-2 A
7. 2.25k >= 180, k>=80 D
8. 80 <= 82+88+n/3 <=85;70<=n<=85 A
9. 2.3 sec and 5 sec A
10. {3, 9, 15} A
11. {cola, root beer, lime, lemon, orange, cherry} D
12. 220 B
13. x >= 3 A
14. 0 with a slash, {-3}, {6}, {-3, 6} B
15. y < =-3 D
16. z > 9/20 D
17. y > 2/15 C
18. y <= -2 B
19. z >= -20 D
20. y >= -6 C
21. y <-5 or y >2 A
22. x <= -10 or x >=2 A
23. Solve yourself
I may have gotten one of the letters wrong so double check the answers are right.


That symbol is the Greek letter phi
some say it to rhyme with whee
some say it to rhyme with eye

The Greeks probably said it the first way

To find all the subsets of a given set, you can follow these steps:

1. Start with an empty set as the first subset.
2. Take each element from the original set and create new subsets by adding the element to the existing subsets.
3. Repeat step 2 for all elements in the original set.
4. Include the empty set and the original set itself as subsets.

Now let's apply these steps to find all the subsets of the set {-3, 6}:

Step 1: Start with an empty set: {}.

Step 2: Take the first element, -3, and create new subsets by adding -3 to the existing subsets. Since we only have an empty set at the moment, we create a new subset {-3}.

Step 3: Move to the next element, 6, and create new subsets by adding 6 to the existing subsets. Again, we only have one subset {-3}, so we create a new subset {6}.

Step 4: Now, consider the set with both elements {-3, 6}. We create a new subset {-3, 6}.

Step 5: Include the empty set: {}

The subsets of the set {-3, 6} are:
1. {}
2. {-3}
3. {6}
4. {-3, 6}

So, the correct answer is option 4: {-3}, {6}, {-3, 6}.

Unit 4 lesson 10 solving inequalities unit test

1. D. 11
2. A. 2
3. A. 2
4. D. 1,2,3,4,6,8,12,24
5. A. 2,4,6,8
6. A
7. D
8. A
9. B. 1.3sec and 4.7sec
10. A. 3,9,15
11. B
12. B. 220
13. B
14. B
15. C
16. C
17. D
18. B
19. C
20. C
21. A
22. A
23. 135+89+C>=101

1. D

2. A
3. D
4. D
5. D
23. Do it on your own