Which sentence contains a linking verb?

A.) Maria's mother called the doctor.
B.) She seems worried.***
C.) Maria ate some soup.
D.)The doctor will arrive soon.


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The correct answer is B) "She seems worried."

In order to identify the sentence that contains a linking verb, you need to understand what a linking verb is. A linking verb, also known as a copula, connects the subject of a sentence to a subject complement. It does not show action; instead, it describes a state of being or condition.

To find a linking verb, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the verb in each sentence.
- Sentence A: called
- Sentence B: seems
- Sentence C: ate
- Sentence D: will arrive

Step 2: Determine if the verb in each sentence is a linking verb or an action verb.
- Sentence A: "called" is an action verb.
- Sentence B: "seems" is a linking verb.
- Sentence C: "ate" is an action verb.
- Sentence D: "will arrive" consists of both a helping verb "will" and an action verb "arrive."

Based on this analysis, sentence B, "She seems worried," contains a linking verb.