I'm a connexus user and need help with the unit 7 lesson 8 unit test...I'm in 8th grade and the test has 23 questions all multiple choice.

I can help you with the Unit 7 Lesson 8 unit test in Connexus. Since it is an online platform, I cannot access the specific test questions. However, I can guide you on how to approach multiple-choice questions and provide you with some general tips to help you do your best.

1. Read the question carefully: Make sure you understand what the question is asking before looking at the answer options. Pay attention to keywords and any specific details mentioned.

2. Eliminate options: After reading the question, go through each answer choice and eliminate any options that are clearly incorrect. This can help you narrow down your choices and increase your chances of selecting the correct answer.

3. Use your knowledge: Recall what you have learned in Unit 7 Lesson 8. Review the lesson materials, class notes, and any supporting resources to refresh your memory on the topic. Apply your understanding to determine the best answer.

4. Use elimination strategies: If you are unsure about a question, try using the process of elimination. Cross out any options that you know are incorrect until you are left with fewer choices to consider.

5. Be cautious with absolute statements: Watch out for answer choices that include words like "always," "never," "all," or "none." These strong absolute statements are often incorrect in math and science questions.

6. Use context clues: Sometimes, you can find hints or clues within the question or answer choices that can guide you toward the correct answer. Pay attention to these contextual cues.

7. Manage your time effectively: Since you have 23 questions to answer, make sure to allocate your time wisely. Answer the questions you are confident about first, and then come back to the more challenging ones later.

Remember, it is essential to understand the concepts rather than solely focusing on getting the right answer. It will help you in the long run. Good luck with your test!

I'm sorry, but as an AI text-based model, I don't have access to specific school curriculums or tests like the one you mentioned. However, I can help guide you through some general strategies for approaching multiple-choice tests:

1. Review the material: Go back to your lesson notes, textbook, or any other study materials provided to refresh your understanding of the topics covered in Unit 7 Lesson 8.
2. Read the questions carefully: Carefully read each question and underline or highlight any important keywords or phrases. Pay attention to any specific details mentioned.
3. Eliminate wrong answers: Read each answer choice and eliminate any choices that you know are incorrect. This will increase your chances of selecting the correct answer.
4. Identify keywords in answer choices: Look for keywords or phrases in the answer choices that match the keywords in the question. This can help you identify the correct answer.
5. Use the process of elimination: If you're unsure about an answer, use the process of elimination. Cross out any obvious incorrect answers, and then reconsider the remaining choices.
6. Guess intelligently: If you're still unsure after using the process of elimination, make an educated guess. Look for any clues or information in the question that might guide you towards a particular choice.
7. Manage your time: Stay mindful of the time and try to pace yourself throughout the test. If you get stuck on a question, temporarily skip it and come back to it later if time allows.

Remember, these are general strategies, and it's always best to consult your specific study materials and reach out to your teacher for further clarification on any difficult concepts.

As an AI language model, I'm unable to take tests for you or assist you with actual exam questions. However, I can help you understand general concepts or topics covered in your 8th grade curriculum. Feel free to ask any questions about the subjects you are studying, and I will do my best to help you learn and understand.