Which of the following best describes the difference between direct democracy and representative democracy?

In a direct democracy, the people make laws. In a representative democracy, they do not.
In a representative democracy, the people make the laws. In a direct democracy, they do not.
In a representative democracy, dictators makes the laws. In a direct democracy, they do not.
In a direct democracy, dictators makes the laws. In a representative democracy, they do not.

Because there are no dictators in representative democracy, rather the people vote for their leaders, who make the laws. In direct democracy the people themselves vote for laws. I don't know if I'm right, its been a long time since I learned about this topic.

You have it right CellLover

We elect representatives who make the laws, mostly, so far.
Athens had direct democracy, but these days it is impractical. Countries and even cities are much bigger.

Thanks I guess.

Your welcome. Sorry if I could not of been of more help ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


is the answer D?


It's you're

Your implies ownership on whatever is being mentioned. You're is a shorter way of saying you are.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the difference between direct democracy and representative democracy.

Direct Democracy: In a direct democracy, also known as pure democracy, citizens participate directly in decision-making. This means that individuals have the power to directly vote on laws and policies themselves. Direct democracy can be seen in small communities or organizations where there is a small number of individuals involved in decision-making.

Representative Democracy: In a representative democracy, citizens elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf. These elected officials then make laws and policies on behalf of the citizens. Representative democracy is commonly seen in larger societies or nations, where it is not practical for every citizen to be directly involved in decision-making.

Now, let's examine the answer choices:

A. In a direct democracy, the people make laws. In a representative democracy, they do not.
This option is incorrect. In a representative democracy, the people still have the power to elect representatives who make laws on their behalf. So, citizens in a representative democracy do have a role in lawmaking, although it is indirect through elected representatives.

B. In a representative democracy, the people make the laws. In a direct democracy, they do not.
This option is also incorrect. In a direct democracy, the people directly participate in lawmaking by voting on laws and policies.

C. In a representative democracy, dictators make the laws. In a direct democracy, they do not.
This option is incorrect. In both types of democracies, the laws and policies are determined by the people or their elected representatives. Dictators do not have a legitimate role in either form of democracy.

D. In a direct democracy, dictators make the laws. In a representative democracy, they do not.
This option is incorrect as well. As mentioned before, dictators have no legitimate role in either form of democracy.

Based on our analysis, none of the given answer choices accurately describe the difference between direct democracy and representative democracy.

Nope. I suggest you Google direct democracy.