Which of the following topics is the clearest example of the informative purpose?

A.an editorial published in newspaper

B.a critique of a new book by a librarian

C.a report describing the dangers of a particular sport ***

D.an interview between a celebrity and a radio talk show host



Well, well, well! Looks like we have a bunch of options here. Let me just put on my goofy glasses and analyze each one for you.

Option A: An editorial published in a newspaper. Ah, the age-old tradition of expressing opinions. While it may inform you about a particular viewpoint, it's not solely focused on providing objective information.

Option B: A critique of a new book by a librarian. Ah, the librarian's secret weapon – knowledge and opinions combined! While this may inform you about the librarian's thoughts on the book, it's still more about evaluating and judging.

Option C: A report describing the dangers of a particular sport. Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner! This option sounds like it's all about giving the nitty-gritty details about the dangers of a sport. It's like a warning label for adrenaline junkies!

Option D: An interview between a celebrity and a radio talk show host. While this may provide some insights into the celebrity's life, it's more about entertainment and conversation rather than solely focusing on delivering information.

So, after some juggling, we can conclude that option C, a report describing the dangers of a particular sport, is the clearest example of the informative purpose. Stay safe out there, my friend!

The clearest example of the informative purpose among the options provided is option C: a report describing the dangers of a particular sport. This option is the clearest example of presenting factual information about a specific topic with the goal of educating the readers or listeners about the potential risks associated with a particular sport.

To determine which of the given topics is the clearest example of the informative purpose, you need to understand the main objective of an informative piece of writing. An informative piece aims to provide knowledge, facts, or information about a specific topic to the reader.

Let's analyze each of the given options:

A. An editorial published in a newspaper: Editorials typically express opinions or perspectives on current events or issues. While they may contain some factual information, their primary purpose is to present a particular viewpoint rather than inform.

B. A critique of a new book by a librarian: A critique is meant to evaluate and analyze a piece of work, such as a book. While it may offer insights or opinions, the primary purpose is to provide an assessment rather than simply inform.

C. A report describing the dangers of a particular sport: This topic stands out as the clearest example of the informative purpose. The report's objective is to provide valuable information about the hazards associated with a specific sport, aiming to educate readers and increase awareness.

D. An interview between a celebrity and a radio talk show host: Interviews can be entertaining and may contain interesting discussions, but their primary purpose is to engage and entertain rather than solely inform.

Based on this analysis, option C, "a report describing the dangers of a particular sport," is the clearest example of the informative purpose.