Calorimeter lab. What is the change in enthalpy for magnesium after the reaction with vinegar?

What is the temperature change? What's the calorimeter constant? What's the mass of the vinegar? What's the mass of the Mg. No calculations are possible with no data. You're wasting our time with nonsense like this.

vinegar is 60ml

magnesium is 0.7g
T1 = ?
T2 = 31.8°C
find the initial temperature if 123.4 KJ energy has been released.

See my response above.

To determine the change in enthalpy for the reaction between magnesium and vinegar, you will need to perform a calorimeter lab. The procedure involves measuring the heat exchange during the reaction using a calorimeter.

Here's an overview of the steps you can follow:

1. Gather materials: You will need a calorimeter (a container to hold the reactants and measure heat exchange), magnesium strips, vinegar, a thermometer, a balance, and a stopwatch.

2. Measure the mass of the magnesium strip using a balance. Note down the mass.

3. Fill the calorimeter with a known volume of vinegar.

4. Use the thermometer to measure the initial temperature of the vinegar. Record this value.

5. Carefully add the magnesium strip to the calorimeter containing the vinegar. Stir the mixture gently to ensure uniformity.

6. Monitor the temperature of the mixture using the thermometer, and record the highest temperature reached (peak temperature).

7. Measure the final mass of the magnesium strip after the reaction has taken place.

8. Calculate the change in enthalpy (ΔH) for the reaction.

The change in enthalpy can be calculated using the equation:

ΔH = q / moles

where ΔH is the change in enthalpy, q is the heat exchanged during the reaction, and moles is the number of moles of magnesium.

To calculate q, you need to use the equation:

q = mCΔT

where q is the heat exchanged, m is the mass of the vinegar, C is the specific heat capacity of the vinegar (approximated as 4.18 J/g·°C), and ΔT is the change in temperature (final temperature - initial temperature).

To calculate the moles of magnesium, you will use the equation:

moles = mass / molar mass of magnesium

where mass is the change in mass of the magnesium strip and the molar mass of magnesium is approximately 24.31 g/mol.

By plugging in the values into the equations and performing the calculations, you will be able to determine the change in enthalpy for the reaction between magnesium and vinegar.