Im having trouble understanding Half life and what not...

1.If each roll of the dice represents 10,000 years, what is the approximate half-life (in years) of the element Lokium?

2. If each roll of the dice is 10,000 years, what is the approximate half-life (in years) of the element Odinium?

You got me. There must be something missing here. I suspect it's how many times have you rolled the dice plus other interesting tidbits of the problem.

well for the first data table I did this

Lokium Trial 1 – Lokium
Starting 20 0 20 0
First Shake (10,000 years) 17
Second (20,000 years) 15 2
Third (30,000 years) 11 4
Fourth (40,000 years) 9 2
Fifth (50,000 years) 8 1 8
Sixth (60,000 years) 4 1
Seventh (70,000 years) 3 1
Eighth (80,000 years) 0 3

Those numbers you wrote have no meaning to me. What's the 20 0 20 0 and what's the 17 after 10,000 years. Where did you get the 17?

To understand and calculate the half-lives of elements Lokium and Odinium based on the given scenario, we need to know the concept of half-life in radioactive decay.

1. Half-life of Lokium:
The half-life of an element is the time it takes for half of the substance to decay. In this scenario, if each roll of the dice represents 10,000 years, we can assume that the probability of decay is determined by rolling the dice.

To find the approximate half-life of Lokium, we need more information about the probability of rolling the specific outcome that represents decay. Without that information, it is not possible to provide an accurate answer.

2. Half-life of Odinium:
Similarly, to find the approximate half-life of Odinium based on the given scenario, we need information about the probability of rolling the specific outcome that represents decay. Without that information, it is not possible to calculate the half-life accurately.

In both cases, if we had information about the decay probability per roll (e.g., rolling a specific number on the dice), we could use statistical methods to calculate the half-life. However, without this information, it is not possible to provide an accurate answer.