How do the governments of South Africa and Nigeria differ?

Ms. Sue, I don't understand how to read the link you sent could you find another one???


How do the governments of South Africa and Nigeria differ? South Africa has an authoritarian government; Nigeria is a democracy. South Africa has a written constitution; Nigeria does not. South Africa is a parliamentary democracy; Nigeria is a presidential democracy.

Wat is da answer

Ms Sue i don't get it the link didn't help at all.

someone give the answer!

its a or c oof dont know which but hope this help

the link doesnt help at all

To understand how the governments of South Africa and Nigeria differ, we can look at a few key factors:

1. System of Government: South Africa has a parliamentary system of government, based on a democratic constitutional republic, while Nigeria operates under a federal presidential system.

2. Executive Branch: In South Africa, the President is both the head of state and the head of government, and is elected by the National Assembly. In Nigeria, the President serves as the head of state and the head of government, and is elected through a nationwide electoral process.

3. Legislative Branch: South Africa has a bicameral Parliament consisting of the National Assembly (lower house) and the National Council of Provinces (upper house). Members of the National Assembly are elected by proportional representation, while the National Council of Provinces is comprised of representatives from each of the provinces. Nigeria also has a bicameral legislature, with the National Assembly consisting of the Senate (upper house) and the House of Representatives (lower house).

4. Political Parties: South Africa has a multi-party system, with the African National Congress (ANC) being the majority party. Nigeria also has a multi-party system, with the All Progressives Congress (APC) and the People's Democratic Party (PDP) being the dominant parties.

5. Judiciary: Both countries have independent judiciaries that serve as a check and balance on the other branches of government. In South Africa, the Constitutional Court is the highest court and has the power to interpret the constitution. In Nigeria, the Supreme Court is the highest court and serves a similar role.

These are just a few highlights of the differences between the governments of South Africa and Nigeria. For a more in-depth understanding, you can explore specific aspects like electoral processes, division of powers, human rights protections, and socio-political structures in each country.