1. Which are effects of the establishment of the European Union? Select all that apply.

European Union Effects

free language instruction among members

import taxes between countries

elections among all members for all EU government positions*

free trade among members*

citizens moving through borders freely*

2. Which are aspects of the German economy and which are aspects of the British economy?

British Economy
strong market orientation
mixed economy

German Economy
mixed economy
focused on engineering and technical aspects
relied on natural resources in the 1800s

strong market orientation

mixed economy

focused on engineering and technical aspects

relied on natural resources in the 1800s

mixed economy

mixed economy

strong market orientation

focused on engineering and technical aspects

relied on natural resources in the 1800s

3.What is the main reason other members of the EU are concerned about the British decision to leave the EU?

They are concerned that other nations will want to leave the EU after Britain.*

They are concerned that English will not be spoken in the EU any longer.

They are concerned that Britain will join competing economic unions.

They are concerned that Britain will no longer trade with EU nations.

4.Why do current demographic trends pose problems in Europe?

There are too many children to educate properly.

A large aging population stresses the ability of a small workforce to care for it.

Too many immigrants are not learning the language of their new country and communicating effectively.

There are not enough experienced workers planning on retiring and leaving space for new promotions.*

5.Which was the first language to arrive in Europe through conquest and spreading of culture?





6.Which of the following was the European Union response to the Syrian refugee crisis of 2015?

Unified: All countries accepted refugees.

Unified: No countries accepted refugees.

Mixed: Wealthier countries accepted refugees and others did not.*

Conflicted: The debate over the refugee crisis caused Brexit.

7.Why was there so much migration after World War II in Europe? Select all that apply.

New laws after the Allies won the war restricted Germans.*

Widespread damage after the war made people look for new housing.*

Shifting national boundaries made some move.

People who didn't agree with their governments' actions during the war moved away.

The end of the Soviet Union allowed people to emigrate.

8.The language spoken by the majority of people in evolved directly from Germanic languages.
slovakia, greece, france, (england)

9. Which of the following statements accurately describe Germany today?

The European Union makes most economic decisions. Its economy relies on the extraction of natural resources. It has invested heavily in human capital and has a high literacy rate. (It has a mixed economy and the strongest history of entrepreneurship in Europe.)

Pick a sentence

Which part of the European Union government proposes legislation and enforces EU law?

European Council

European Commission

Court of Justice

European Parliament*

11.Which aspect of Europe's mixed economies have the features of a command economy?

Citizens vote for representatives.

The government controls health care and education.*

Entrepreneurship is highly valued.

Citizens pay high taxes and vote on how to spend them.

12.How is Vatican City different from all other European countries?

It is located entirely inside another country.*

It is a theocracy.

It has a Catholic majority.

It does not use the euro.

If someone could check these that would be great

I agree with your answers. But!!! Be sure to check your reading assignment for these answers.

thanks to KARD i got a 46 (;

1. To determine the effects of the establishment of the European Union, we need to analyze each option:

- Free language instruction among members: This option is not an effect of the establishment of the European Union. It is not a direct policy or outcome of the EU.

- Import taxes between countries: This effect is true. The establishment of the European Union has led to the elimination or reduction of import taxes (also known as tariffs) between member countries, promoting free trade within the EU.

- Elections among all members for all EU government positions: This effect is true. The European Union has established elections where all member countries participate to select EU government officials, such as Members of the European Parliament and the President of the European Commission.

- Free trade among members: This effect is true. The European Union has created a single market, allowing for the free movement of goods, services, capital, and labor among member countries, promoting economic integration and trade.

- Citizens moving through borders freely: This effect is true. The establishment of the European Union has facilitated the free movement of EU citizens between member countries, allowing them to live, work, study, and retire in any EU member state.

Therefore, the correct answers are: Import taxes between countries, elections among all members for all EU government positions, free trade among members, and citizens moving through borders freely.

2. To determine the aspects of the German and British economies, we need to analyze each option:

British Economy:
- Strong market orientation: This aspect is true. The British economy is known for its strong market orientation, with a significant emphasis on free-market principles and private sector participation.

- Mixed economy: This aspect is true. The British economy combines elements of both capitalism and socialism, with a mix of private and public ownership in various sectors.

German Economy:
- Mixed economy: This aspect is true. The German economy, like the British economy, also features a mixed economy, with elements of both capitalism and socialism.

- Focused on engineering and technical aspects: This aspect is true. Germany is known for prioritizing engineering and technical expertise, and it is renowned for its advanced manufacturing, automotive, and high-tech industries.

- Relied on natural resources in the 1800s: This aspect is not specific to the German economy. While Germany did rely on natural resources historically, this statement does not uniquely describe the German economy today.

Therefore, the correct aspects are: Strong market orientation for the British economy, mixed economy for both the British and German economies, and focused on engineering and technical aspects for the German economy.

3. The main reason other members of the EU are concerned about the British decision to leave the EU is:

A. They are concerned that other nations will want to leave the EU after Britain.

The concern is that Brexit (the British decision to leave the EU) could set a precedent and potentially lead to a domino effect, with other nations considering leaving the EU as well. This could weaken the EU's unity, influence, and stability.

4. Current demographic trends pose problems in Europe primarily because:

B. A large aging population stresses the ability of a small workforce to care for it.

Europe is experiencing a declining birth rate and an aging population. This demographic shift puts pressure on the working-age population to support and provide care for the increasing number of elderly individuals. This can strain social welfare systems and impact economic productivity.

5. The first language to arrive in Europe through conquest and spreading of culture was:

D. Proto-Indo-European

Proto-Indo-European is considered the ancestor of many languages spoken in Europe today. It was spread through the conquest and migration of various ancient peoples thousands of years ago.

6. The European Union response to the Syrian refugee crisis of 2015 was:

C. Mixed: Wealthier countries accepted refugees and others did not.

The response to the Syrian refugee crisis varied among European Union member countries. Some wealthier countries, like Germany and Sweden, accepted a significant number of refugees, while others either did not accept as many or had more stringent immigration policies.

7. The reasons for significant migration after World War II in Europe are:

A. New laws after the Allies won the war restricted Germans.
B. Widespread damage after the war made people look for new housing.

After World War II, Europe experienced significant migration due to various factors. New laws and policies implemented by the Allied powers restricted Germans from certain areas and led to population movements. Additionally, widespread damage and destruction during the war created a need for people to find new housing and opportunities.

8. The majority language in evolved directly from Germanic languages is:


The majority language spoken in England, which is part of the United Kingdom, is English. English is derived from the Germanic language family and has evolved over centuries.

9. The statement accurately describing Germany today is:

- It has a mixed economy and the strongest history of entrepreneurship in Europe.

10. The part of the European Union government that proposes legislation and enforces EU law is:

D. The European Parliament

The European Parliament, composed of elected representatives from member countries, proposes legislation and enforces EU law in conjunction with other EU institutions.

11. The aspect of Europe's mixed economies that has features of a command economy is:

B. The government controls health care and education.

In Europe's mixed economies, the government often plays a significant role in controlling and providing certain essential services such as healthcare and education, which are features typically associated with command economies.

12. Vatican City is different from all other European countries because:

A. It is located entirely inside another country.

Vatican City is an independent city-state within the city of Rome, Italy. It is the world's smallest independent state and is entirely surrounded by Italy.