Question: What did Confucius believe would come about if people acted according to the five relationships?

A. A balance between yin and yang would be achieved.

B. Order and harmony would come to society.

C. People would be protected and guided by there ancestors.

D. There would no longer be a need for government.

I think it would be B or C. Am I right please help ASAP

Confucius believed that if people acted according to the five relationships, order and harmony would come to society (Option B). This is because he believed that each individual had a specific role and responsibilities within these relationships, and if everyone fulfilled their obligations, it would lead to a well-functioning and harmonious society. Additionally, Confucius also emphasized the importance of respecting and honoring one's ancestors, so Option C could also be considered partially correct.

Confucius believed that if people acted according to the five relationships, the answer would be B. Order and harmony would come to society.

To understand this, we need to have an understanding of the five relationships in Confucian philosophy. The five relationships, also known as the Five Constant Relationships, are:

1. Ruler and Subject
2. Father and Son
3. Husband and Wife
4. Elder Sibling and Younger Sibling
5. Friend and Friend

Confucius believed that these relationships formed the foundation of a harmonious society. In each relationship, there are certain expectations and responsibilities for both parties involved. For example, in the relationship between ruler and subject, the ruler is expected to govern wisely and justly, while the subject is expected to be loyal and obedient.

Confucius believed that if people fulfilled their roles and responsibilities in these relationships, it would lead to order and harmony in society. When everyone knows their place and acts according to their roles, social stability and cooperation can be achieved. This would create an environment where peace and prosperity can thrive.

Option C, "People would be protected and guided by their ancestors," is not explicitly related to the five relationships. While Confucius emphasized the importance of ancestral reverence and filial piety, these concepts are not directly tied to the idea that if people acted according to the five relationships, they would be protected and guided by their ancestors.

Option A, "A balance between yin and yang would be achieved," is not directly related to Confucius' teachings on the five relationships. The concept of yin and yang originates from Daoism, not Confucianism. While Confucius did have some influence from Daoist philosophy, the five relationships did not specifically address this aspect.

Option D, "There would no longer be a need for government," is also not a direct belief of Confucius. Confucius believed in the importance of a well-ordered society with clear roles and responsibilities. He emphasized the significance of good governance and the role of the ruler. Therefore, it is unlikely that Confucius believed that if people acted according to the five relationships, there would be no need for government.

In conclusion, the correct answer is B. Order and harmony would come to society. By understanding and fulfilling the obligations and responsibilities of the five relationships, Confucius believed that society would become a balanced and harmonious place.