Which of the following were important achievements of the Kushites? Select the three correct answers.


the defeat of the Assyrian army

the invention of one of the world's first alphabets

the development of Africa's first iron-working city

the famous text, The Book of the Dead

the invention of papyrus

trade networks that stretched from Greece to south of the Sahara

Is it B, C and F ?

To determine the three correct answers regarding the important achievements of the Kushites, we will need to analyze each option:

A. The defeat of the Assyrian army: This is indeed one of the important achievements of the Kushites. The Kingdom of Kush successfully repelled the Assyrian invasion and even pushed them out of Egypt.

B. The invention of one of the world's first alphabets: This option is not correct. The invention of alphabets is attributed to other ancient civilizations like the Phoenicians, not the Kushites.

C. The development of Africa's first iron-working city: This is a correct answer. The Kushites played a significant role in the development of iron-working technology, which contributed to the growth and prosperity of Meroƫ, their capital city.

D. The famous text, The Book of the Dead: This option is not correct. The Book of the Dead is an ancient Egyptian funerary text and does not directly relate to the achievements of the Kushites.

E. The invention of papyrus: This option is not correct. The invention of papyrus is primarily attributed to the ancient Egyptians.

F. Trade networks that stretched from Greece to south of the Sahara: This is another correct answer. The Kushites developed extensive trade networks that extended across different regions, including Greece and the Saharan region.

Therefore, the three correct answers regarding the important achievements of the Kushites are:

A. The defeat of the Assyrian army.
C. The development of Africa's first iron-working city.
F. Trade networks that stretched from Greece to south of the Sahara.
