Jennifer is making bouquets of flowers. She has 25 roses, 45 tulips, and 15 snapdragons. She divides the flowers equally to make as many bouquets as possible. She uses up all the flowers. What number of snapdragons are in each bouquet?

A. 3

B. 5

C. 9

D. 15

so what is it?

So I believe the answer is 3.

i pick X

To find the number of snapdragons in each bouquet, we need to divide the total number of snapdragons by the number of bouquets. We know that Jennifer has 25 roses, 45 tulips, and 15 snapdragons, and she wants to divide them equally to make as many bouquets as possible.

First, we need to determine the number of bouquets Jennifer can make. To do this, we need to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the three numbers: 25, 45, and 15. The GCD represents the largest number that divides all three numbers without leaving a remainder.

The GCD of 25, 45, and 15 is 5.

Now that we know the GCD is 5, we can divide the number of snapdragons (15) by the number of bouquets (5) to find the number of snapdragons in each bouquet.

15 divided by 5 equals 3.

Therefore, the correct answer is A. 3 snapdragons are in each bouquet.

why did you pick A ?

I picked A