A string makes 60 revolution in 15seconds.find the period and the frequency of vibration

frequency = 60rev/15s = 4 rev/s

period = 1/frequency = 1/4 s/rev

Generally, the period is just expressed as time (s), and frequency is just 1/s

Freq. = 60rev/15s. = 4rev/s = 4 cycles/s = 4 Hz.

Period = 1/F = 1/4 = 0.25 s/cycle.
We , normally, say the period is 0.25 s.

To find the period and frequency of vibration, we need to understand the definitions of these terms.

1. Period: The period is the time taken to complete one full cycle of vibration. It is denoted by the symbol T and is measured in seconds.

2. Frequency: The frequency is the number of complete cycles of vibration that occur in one second. It is denoted by the symbol f and is measured in hertz (Hz).

Given that the string makes 60 revolutions in 15 seconds, we can use this information to find the period and frequency.

To find the period:
The period can be calculated by dividing the total time taken (in this case, 15 seconds) by the number of revolutions. Since there are 60 revolutions, the period (T) can be calculated as:
T = (Total time) / (Number of revolutions)
T = 15 seconds / 60 revolutions

To find the frequency:
The frequency can be calculated by dividing the number of revolutions (in this case, 60) by the total time taken. Since the total time is 15 seconds, the frequency (f) can be calculated as:
f = (Number of revolutions) / (Total time)
f = 60 revolutions / 15 seconds

Now, let's calculate the period and frequency:
T = 15 seconds / 60 revolutions = 0.25 seconds
f = 60 revolutions / 15 seconds = 4 Hz

Therefore, the period of vibration is 0.25 seconds, and the frequency of vibration is 4 Hz.