a spring makes 60 revolution in 15 second. find the frequency of the vibration

period = T = 15/60 = .25 second

so f = 1/T = 4 Hz


Period T=t/n
Period T=15/60 which is=2.5
Frequency=1/2.5 which is= 4 Hz

2.5 is the T,i.e,the period


A spring makes 60 revolution in 15s find the period and frequency of the vibration


1 0

No problem Im sure

No Problem,Am Truly And Really Sure

To find the frequency of the vibration of the spring, we need to use the formula:

Frequency = Number of revolutions / Time

Given that the spring makes 60 revolutions in 15 seconds, we can substitute these values into the formula:

Frequency = 60 revolutions / 15 seconds

Now, divide 60 by 15 to find the frequency:

Frequency = 4 Hz

Therefore, the frequency of the vibration of the spring is 4 Hz.