A BMX rider is coming up to a ramp that is set to 27.0° and the end point is 4.20 m above the ground. They travel up the ramp at a steady speed of 7.80 m/s. What speed will they have just before they hit the ground?

Vo = 7.8m/s[27o].

Xo = 7.8*Cos27 = 6.95 m/s.
Yo = 7.8*sin27 = 3.54 m/s.

Y^2 = Yo^2 + 2g*h = 3.54^2 + 19.6*4.2 = 95,
Y = 9.7 m/s.

V = sqrt(Xo^2+Y^2) = sqrt(6.95^2 + 9.7^2) =

Well, it looks like the BMX rider is in for quite the ride! Let's see if I can calculate their speed just before they hit the ground.

First, we need to break the problem into two parts: the horizontal and vertical components of motion. The horizontal speed will remain constant at 7.80 m/s because there are no forces acting on that axis.

Now, let's focus on the vertical components. We can use trigonometry to determine the initial vertical speed of the rider as they go up the ramp. The ramp forms a right triangle, where the angle is 27.0° and the height is 4.20 m.

Using a little trig, we can find the initial vertical velocity:

sin(θ) = opposite / hypotenuse

sin(27.0°) = v_initial / 7.80 m/s

v_initial = sin(27.0°) * 7.80 m/s

Calculating that out... *taps calculator*... the initial vertical velocity is approximately 3.609 m/s.

Now, as the rider goes up the ramp, gravity slows them down. But once they reach the highest point, their vertical velocity will be zero before they start falling back down. So we need to figure out the acceleration due to gravity during the ascent.

Using a little more math, we can determine the acceleration:

v_final = v_initial + at

Since v_final = 0 (at the highest point), we can solve for acceleration:

0 = 3.609 m/s + (-9.8 m/s^2) * t

This gives us:

t = 3.609 m/s / 9.8 m/s^2

Calculating that out... *more calculator tapping*... the ascent time is approximately 0.368 seconds.

Now, during the descent, the rider will continue to accelerate due to gravity. But we've already found the time it takes for the ascent, which means we can calculate the descent time:

t_descent = 2 * t_ascent

t_descent = 2 * 0.368 s

Calculating that out... *drum roll*... the descent time is approximately 0.736 seconds.

Finally, we can figure out the speed just before the rider hits the ground. Since they remain at a constant horizontal speed of 7.80 m/s, we only need to consider the vertical motion. During the descent, the rider will continue to speed up due to gravity.

Using a classic equation of motion, we can find the final vertical speed:

v_final = v_initial + at

v_final = 0 + (-9.8 m/s^2) * t_descent

Calculating that out... *even more calculator tapping*... the final vertical speed is approximately -7.226 m/s.

And there you have it! Just before the BMX rider hits the ground, they will be moving downward at a speed of approximately 7.226 m/s. I hope they stick the landing!

To find the speed at which the BMX rider will hit the ground, we can use the conservation of mechanical energy. The total mechanical energy at the initial point will be equal to the total mechanical energy at the final point.

The total mechanical energy (E) of the BMX rider at each point can be calculated as:
E = kinetic energy + potential energy

At the top of the ramp, the kinetic energy will be zero because the rider is not moving horizontally yet:
E_top = 0 + mgh

m = mass of the BMX rider
g = acceleration due to gravity
h = height of the ramp above the ground

At the end point, when the rider hits the ground, the potential energy will be zero because it is at ground level:
E_bottom = 1/2 * mv^2 + 0

Since the BMX rider is traveling at a steady speed, the kinetic energy remains constant throughout the motion.

Since the total mechanical energy is conserved, we can set the initial energy equal to the final energy:
E_top = E_bottom

So, we can equate the expressions for the total mechanical energy at each point:
0 + mgh = 1/2 * mv^2 + 0

Now, we can solve for v (the speed just before hitting the ground):

mgh = 1/2 * mv^2

h = 4.20 m (given)
g = 9.8 m/s^2 (standard value)

Substituting the given values into the equation:

4.20 m * 9.8 m/s^2 = 1/2 * m * v^2

Now, we can solve for v:

(4.20 m * 9.8 m/s^2) / (1/2 * m) = v^2

Simplifying the equation:

v^2 = (4.20 m * 9.8 m/s^2 * 2) / m

v^2 = 82.32 m^2/s^2

Taking the square root of both sides:

v = √(82.32 m^2/s^2) ≈ 9.08 m/s

Therefore, the speed at which the BMX rider will hit the ground is approximately 9.08 m/s.

To find the speed of the BMX rider just before they hit the ground, we can use the principle of conservation of energy.

When the rider is at the top of the ramp, all of their initial energy is in the form of potential energy (mgh), where m is the mass, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height of the ramp.

When the rider is about to hit the ground, all of their energy is in the form of kinetic energy (1/2 mv^2), where v is the velocity or speed.

According to the conservation of energy principle, the total energy at the top of the ramp is equal to the total energy just before the rider hits the ground. Therefore, we can set up the following equation:

Potential Energy at the top = Kinetic Energy just before hitting the ground

mgh = 1/2 mv^2

In this equation, we know the height of the ramp (h = 4.20 m) and the angle of the ramp (27.0°), but we don't know the mass of the rider. Since the mass doesn't affect the final answer (as it cancels out), we can solve for v without knowing the mass.

First, we need to find the initial velocity (v₀) of the rider at the top of the ramp. To do this, we can use trigonometry.

v₀ = vᵣ × cos(θ)

Where vᵣ is the steady speed of the rider (7.80 m/s) and θ is the angle of the ramp (27.0°).

v₀ = 7.80 m/s × cos(27.0°)

Now we can substitute this value into our equation to solve for v:

mgh = 1/2 mv^2

m × 9.8 m/s² × 4.20 m = 1/2 × m × v₀²

Notice that the mass (m) cancels out. We can rearrange this equation to solve for v:

(2 × 9.8 m/s² × 4.20 m) / v₀² = v²

Take the square root of both sides to get:

v = √ [(2 × 9.8 m/s² × 4.20 m) / v₀²]

Substitute the value of v₀ we found earlier:

v = √ [(2 × 9.8 m/s² × 4.20 m) / (7.80 m/s × cos(27.0°))²]

Calculating this expression will give us the speed that the BMX rider will have just before they hit the ground.