According to the phase diagram for water, how is the state of water determined?

proceed up a vertical line at any given temperature
read the phase at the intersection of any given temperature and pressure
at a given pressure proceed horizontally to the S-L or L-G line

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According to the phase diagram for water, the state of water is determined by reading the phase at the intersection of any given temperature and pressure.

To use the phase diagram to determine the state of water, follow these steps:

1. Identify the temperature and pressure values you are interested in.
2. Locate the specific temperature value on the horizontal axis of the phase diagram.
3. From the identified temperature point, proceed vertically upward.
4. At the intersection with the desired pressure value, read the phase that corresponds to that point.
- If it intersects with the solid-liquid line (S-L), it represents water in a solid (ice) state.
- If it intersects with the liquid-gas line (L-G), it represents water in a gaseous (vapor) state.
- If it falls within the liquid (L) region, it represents water in a liquid state.

By following these steps and reading the phase at the intersection of the given temperature and pressure, you can determine the state of water on the phase diagram.