21. What was significant about Mauryan emperor Asoka?

I am having trouble answering this.. Please help? :\
This is the only question I need help on for today.

I read a bit about it, does this sound good?

One thing he is significant because he had brought overall peace to India and decreased the importance of the Brahmin castes. Another thing he is also significant because of his road systems built throughout India that persuaded trade. He also wrote orders that had advanced the religious tolerance.

Oops, I see where I made an error, thank you for catching that for me!

Does this look okay?
"Another thing he is also significant for is for his road systems..."

Also, will do!

I didn't see your second post, slow WiFi, lol.

So, "One thing he is significant for is that he had brought overall peace to India and decreased the importance of the Brahmin castes. Another thing he is also significant for is his road systems built throughout India that persuaded trade. He also wrote orders that had advanced religious tolerance."

Does that look good? Instead of "persuading trade", does "supported trade" work, or "encouraged trade" work?

"encouraged trade" is far better!

MUCH better!

Thank you so much!

Do you think you can help me with one more question?


Alright, give me just a minute. I am currently writing my answer, but the question is;

22. Summarize the factors that led to the decline of the Han empire.
I know some factors are; the lack of ability to maintain order of the public, political problems, taxes/money, and selfish emperors.

Do you think this will work? I kind of rushed because I only have 6 minutes left to answer it..

"The decline of the Han empire declined over a period of time, due to various events. Some events included; the lack of ability to maintain order of the public, political problems, selfish emperors, etc.
The emperors abandoned their duties
For an example;
The young emperors kept causing conflict between the powerful relatives, which finally resulted in one such relative deciding to just put an end to the boy and announced himself as the new emperor.
As the young emperors grow, they realize that they're only an emperor by name and want to take back the power but the court is completely taken over by the relatives and he could only return to the man that serves him, so they make a plan to take back power and titles. The Han empire, for a variety of reasons, wasn't so lucky with any long living emperors so kids would usually end up on the throne, which this situation keeps happening. "

I only have 3 minutes left.. >....<

"due to" usually produces a clumsy sentence. Try this:

The Han empire declined over a period of time because of the emperor's inability to maintain order of the public, political problems, selfishness, and abandoning his duties, among others. For example, the young emperors kept causing conflict between their powerful relatives, which finally resulted in one such relative's decision to put an end to the boy and announce himself as the new emperor.

As the young emperors grew, they realized that they were only an emperor by name and wanted to take back the power. However, the court was completely taken over by the relatives and he could only return to the man that serves him(<~~who is he?), so they (<~~who are they?) make a plan to take back power and titles. The Han empire, for a variety of reasons, wasn't so lucky with any long living emperors so kids would usually end up on the throne, and this situation kept happening.

You'll need to add quotation marks where quoted material begins and ends. Also be sure to give the source of your information.


Subject is "thing" and its verb is "is" -- both singular.

supported or encouraged,? That is up to you. I suspect he did both.

"''' had """ brought or just brought ?

He had brought it before he changed his mind ????

Be sure to read up on the palace wars! (about halfway down this webpage)


Watch your phrasing.

... he is significant for is ...

How does one "persuade" trade? Find a word that makes sense.

Remove "the" in front of "religious."

... and change the two instances of "because" to "that"

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