1. Spoken word and written text are different because

A. speakers can include emotion, sound, personality, and feelings that the writer may not be able to express fully through text.
B. writers are limited to what they can and cannot include for the voice of the character.
C. speakers are better at expressing ideas than writers.
D. speech is better than written text.

Answers :-)

1. Speakers can include emotion, sound, personality, and feelings that the writer may not be able to express fully through text.

2.It helps the reader understand The characters feelings and emotions

3. Comparison between two or more things

4. Create a visual model that can clarify ideas

Your Welcome 😎

I Think A Then

What are the rest?

TYSM lol! I got 100% 2021!

thx lol i got 100

A is correct.

Its A :)

Lol is correct 💯

And you think ... ?

Hmmmm... I Think Its C

Incorrect. There's a much better answer choice.