I keep mixing up the horizontal line and the vertical line for the x-axis and y-axis. What is a trick to help me remember them correctly?

What I mean is that I keep confusing their slopes. Horizontal line y= and vertical line x=

Equation of a vertical line I mean.

Sorry to bother so much.For example, if I am asked for the equation of a horizontal line through (3,6)

it would be y=6
and if it was vertical
it would be x=3

So horizontal is y and vertical is x

To remember the orientation of the x-axis and y-axis correctly, you can use the following trick:

Think about the word "yacht." Picture a yacht floating on water. The letter "Y" in "yacht" has two slanting lines that resemble the y-axis. When you tilt your head to the left, the letter "Y" aligns with the vertical y-axis.

Now imagine the horizontal line of the letter "T" in "yacht." The horizontal line of the letter "T" aligns with the x-axis.

So, whenever you think about the word "yacht," it can remind you that the y-axis (vertical line) is represented by the letter "Y," and the x-axis (horizontal line) is illustrated by the letter "T."

Using this visual association with the word "yacht" can help you remember the correct orientations of the x-axis and y-axis.