The perfect paving company charges $10 per square foot to install interlocking paving stones, as well as a $40 delivery fee. Determine the greatest area andrew can pave for $3500.

10x + 40 = 3500

Solve for x.

To determine the greatest area Andrew can pave for $3500, we need to consider the total cost of the paving stones and delivery fees.

Let's assume the area Andrew can pave is A square feet.

The total cost can be calculated as follows:

Total cost = (Cost per square foot × Area) + Delivery fee

Using the given values:

3500 = (10 × A) + 40

Subtracting 40 from both sides:

3460 = 10A

Dividing both sides by 10:

A = 3460/10

A = 346 square feet

Therefore, Andrew can pave a maximum area of 346 square feet for $3500.

To determine the greatest area Andrew can pave for $3500, we need to find the maximum area that can be covered within the given budget.

Let's assume the area Andrew can pave is A square feet. We need to find the maximum value of A.

The cost to install the interlocking paving stones is $10 per square foot, and there is also a $40 delivery fee. Therefore, the total cost for A square feet is:

Total cost = Cost per square foot x Area + Delivery fee

Total cost = $10A + $40

We know that the total cost should be less than or equal to Andrew's budget of $3500:

$10A + $40 ≤ $3500

Now, solve the inequality to find the maximum value of A:

$10A ≤ $3500 - $40

$10A ≤ $3460

A ≤ $3460 / $10

A ≤ 346

Therefore, the maximum area Andrew can pave for $3500 is 346 square feet.