Jefferson responded to the Alien and Sedition Acts with which of the following?

A. Kentucky Resolution
B. Jefferson Resolution
C. Virginia Resolution
D. Anti-Sedition Resolution

To determine how Jefferson responded to the Alien and Sedition Acts, we can start by understanding what the Alien and Sedition Acts were. The Alien and Sedition Acts were a series of four laws enacted by the United States Congress in 1798. They were aimed at preventing foreign influence on American government and restricting criticism of the government.

Now, let's take a look at the options given:

A. Kentucky Resolution: The Kentucky Resolution was a document written by Thomas Jefferson in response to the Alien and Sedition Acts. It was adopted by the state of Kentucky in 1798. The Kentucky Resolution argued that states had the right to nullify unconstitutional laws passed by the federal government.

B. Jefferson Resolution: There is no historical record of a "Jefferson Resolution" specifically in response to the Alien and Sedition Acts. Therefore, option B is not the correct answer.

C. Virginia Resolution: The Virginia Resolution, also authored by Thomas Jefferson, was written in response to the Alien and Sedition Acts. It was adopted by the state of Virginia in 1798. Like the Kentucky Resolution, the Virginia Resolution argued for states' rights and the power of states to nullify unconstitutional federal laws.

D. Anti-Sedition Resolution: There is no historical record of an "Anti-Sedition Resolution" specifically in response to the Alien and Sedition Acts. Therefore, option D is not the correct answer.

Based on the information given, the correct answer is C. Virginia Resolution because Jefferson responded to the Alien and Sedition Acts by authoring the Virginia Resolution. This resolution asserted the rights of states and their ability to nullify unconstitutional federal laws.