Which of the following were important achievements of the Kushites? Select all that apply.

A. the defeat of the Assyrian army
B. the invention of one of the world's first alphabets
C. construction of the largest pyramids in the area
D. the development of Africa's first iron-working city
E. the famous text, The Book of the Dead
F. the invention of papyrus
G. trade networks that stretched from Greece to south of the Sahara

only 3 answers

what isthe answer??

B, D, G

To determine the important achievements of the Kushites, we will evaluate each option and identify the correct answers.

A. The defeat of the Assyrian army: The Kushites successfully defeated the Assyrian army in 672 BC and regained control over Egypt. This is an important achievement of the Kushites.

B. The invention of one of the world's first alphabets: The invention of the alphabet is not attributed to the Kushites, but rather to other ancient civilizations like the Phoenicians and the Mesopotamians. This is not a correct option.

C. Construction of the largest pyramids in the area: The Kushites did construct large pyramids, such as the ones in Meroe in Sudan. This is an important achievement of the Kushites.

D. The development of Africa's first iron-working city: Africa's first iron-working city is often attributed to the Nok civilization in Nigeria and not specifically to the Kushites. This is not a correct option.

E. The famous text, The Book of the Dead: The Book of the Dead is an ancient Egyptian funerary text and is not specifically associated with the achievements of the Kushites. This is not a correct option.

F. The invention of papyrus: The invention of papyrus is attributed to the ancient Egyptians and not specifically to the Kushites. This is not a correct option.

G. Trade networks that stretched from Greece to south of the Sahara: The Kushites established extensive trade networks that reached from Greece in the north to regions south of the Sahara in Africa. This is an important achievement of the Kushites.

Based on the above analysis, the correct answers for the important achievements of the Kushites are:

A. The defeat of the Assyrian army
C. Construction of the largest pyramids in the area
G. Trade networks that stretched from Greece to south of the Sahara.
