P Maria and her family went to a movie they bought two adult tickets for $8 each and three students tickets for $5 each day paid with two $20 bills how much change did they get back?

2 adult tickets = $16

3 student tickets = $15
2 $20 = $40

$16+$15 = $31

$40 - $31 = $9 change

simple adding, multiplying, and subtraction skills is needed here really. write down your information given like numbers and such.

it would be great if someone can confirm my work here.

You're right.

To find out how much change Maria and her family received, we first need to calculate the total cost of the tickets.

The cost of two adult tickets is $8 each, so 2 adult tickets will be 2 * $8 = $16.
The cost of three student tickets is $5 each, so 3 student tickets will be 3 * $5 = $15.

The total cost of all the tickets will be $16 + $15 = $31.

Now let's calculate how much money Maria and her family paid. They used two $20 bills, so the total amount paid is 2 * $20 = $40.

To find the change they received, we subtract the total cost of the tickets from the amount paid: $40 - $31 = $9.

Therefore, Maria and her family received $9 in change.