"This question asks about your independent reading selection. You may use your reading selection to help you answer the question. Compare and contrast your Independent reading selection with one or two other selections you have read in this unit. Support your response with at least two pieces of evidence from your independent reading selection."

I'm not quiet sure what the independent reading selection is to begin with and if im supposed to be comparing the independent reading selection with the two stories or if im supposed to be comparing the two stories by them selves..

White vs. Black

Yes but im not sure what an independent reading selection is...

To clarify, the independent reading selection refers to a book or text that you have chosen to read on your own, outside of the assigned readings in the unit. In this question, you are being asked to compare and contrast your independent reading selection with one or two other selections that were included as part of the unit's assigned readings.

Here's how you can approach answering the question:

1. Identify your independent reading selection: Reflect on the book or text that you have chosen to read independently. Make sure you understand its main ideas, characters, plot, themes, or any other relevant aspects.

2. Choose one or two other selections from the assigned readings: Look through the readings that were provided as part of the unit, and select one or two additional texts that you can compare and contrast with your independent reading selection. It could be a short story, a poem, or any other literary piece you have studied.

3. Compare and contrast the selections: When comparing, focus on identifying similarities between the selections, such as themes, settings, character traits, or narrative techniques. When contrasting, highlight the differences between the selections in terms of plot structure, writing style, tone, or any other relevant aspects. Consider how these similarities and differences shape your understanding and interpretation of the texts.

4. Provide evidence: To support your response, find at least two pieces of evidence from your independent reading selection that demonstrate the points you are making in your comparison and contrast. These can be quotes, specific examples, or references to events that occurred in the text.

Remember, the evidence you choose should clearly connect to the points you are making in your comparison and contrast. By using direct quotations or references from the text, you can demonstrate a thorough understanding of your independent reading selection and effectively support your response.

If you are still unsure about any specific details or requirements for this task, I recommend reaching out to your teacher or instructor for further clarification.

Apparently, you were assigned to choose a book to read independently -- that is, not specifically assigned to be read by your whole class. What did you choose?

1. Use your independent reading selection.

2. Compare (similarities) and contrast (differences)
-- 2a. your independent reading selection with
-- 2b. one or two other selections you have read in this unit.

3. Support your response with at least two pieces of evidence from your independent reading selection.

Once you've written your assignment, you may post it here if you want a tutor to critique it for you.