The distance (d) in meters that an ant can travel varies directly with the amount of time (t) in hours it spends walking. Assume that an ant’s constant of proportionality is 18.

Write an equation to represent the proportional relationship between d and t using the information given.

1. d/t = 18 m/h. = proportional relationship.

d/(10/60) = 18,
d = 3 m.

2. d/t = 18.
22.5/t = 18,
t = ___ hours.

if this one stumps you, you need to review the topic.

d = 18t

Yeah I understand that I need to review but then it comes to this

If an ant walks for 10 minutes, how far will it travel?
_______ meters
If an ant traveled 22.5 meters, how long did it walk?

i am confuessed i need the answers asap plzz help

If you turn the t into 10 the answer is 2.25.

To write an equation representing the proportional relationship between the distance (d) and the time (t), we need to use the constant of proportionality given. In this case, the constant of proportionality is 18.

The equation for this proportional relationship can be written as:

d = 18t

Here, the distance (d) is equal to the constant of proportionality (18) multiplied by the time (t) in hours.

d = 18t

#1. replace t with 10
#2. replace d with 22.5 and solve for t