Scientists conduct investigations to answer questions. Before making a valid conclusion, scientists must

A collect relevant evidence
B tell people about the data
C publish results from the investigation
D discuss the investigation with other scientists***

I'd say A.

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Well is it.

The correct answer is D: discuss the investigation with other scientists.

When conducting an investigation, scientists collect relevant evidence to gather information and data. However, collecting evidence alone is not enough to draw a valid conclusion. It is crucial for scientists to discuss their findings and share their results with other experts in the field.

By engaging in discussions with other scientists, researchers can analyze and interpret the data collaboratively. This peer review process allows for a thorough evaluation of the evidence and provides an opportunity to identify any potential flaws or biases in the experiment or analysis.

Through these discussions, scientists can also receive feedback, suggestions, and alternative explanations or interpretations for their results. This helps ensure that the conclusions drawn from the investigation are accurate, reliable, and well-supported.

Once the investigation has been discussed and reviewed by other scientists, researchers may choose to publish their results in scientific journals. This allows the broader scientific community to access, critique, replicate, and build upon the findings, further advancing knowledge in the field. However, it is important to note that publishing results is not the final step in the scientific process; ongoing discussions and research continually shape and refine our understanding of the topic.

I disagree.