Why did the population of Jamestown plummet between 1609 and the spring of 1610? *

1 point
The Algonquian Indians attacked and burned down much of the colony.
A combination of famine, disease, and a harsh winter killed many in the colony.
Infertile soil caused many settlers to seek better farmland in the middle colonies.
The London Company closed the settlement because it wasn’t making a profit.
The Powhatan Indians were significant because they: *
1 point
Helped prevent the spread of disease.
Taught colonists how to grow tobacco
Brought food to help the colonists and taught them how to grow corn.
Took control of John Smith’s colony
The Toleration Act of 1649 was significant to America’s development because it: *
1 point
Provided an example of how a representative democracy can pass laws in a fair and just manner.
Symbolized the American value of protecting the freedom of individuals and minority groups.
Proved that conflicts over beliefs about God can be solved in a peaceful manner.
Allowed Protestant settlers to move to the colony of Maryland even though it was founded by Catholics.
Which statement describes the Southern colonies in the late 1600s? *
1 point
There were mostly large plantations and few small farms.
Skilled craftspeople were essential to the economy.
The important cash crops were tobacco, rice and indigo.
African servants lived separately from white indentured servants.
What was the primary reason the Pilgrims came to the New World? *
1 point
Religious freedom
Ship building
Trade with Native Americans
Which quotation best expressed the point of view of a New England colonist on education? *
1 point
“All children need to be able to read the Bible.”
“Only a literate community can keep a record of its successes and failures for the benefit of future generations.”
“All children need to learn to read, write and do arithmetic”
“Trade is important to our community, which means people have to be able to make simple calculations.”
The Mayflower Compact could best be described as a / an *
1 point
Trade contract between Great Britain and merchants in the Virginia colony.
Basic agreement requiring colonists to obey Virginia law.
Early attempt at self – government in the English colonies.
Detailed list of reasons why the Pilgrims left England for the United States
What can you infer based on the location of the cities in the New England colonies? (2 points) *
2 points
Captionless Image
The rocky soil in New England made it impossible for farmers to grow any crops.
New England colonies’ economic activities included ship building, fishing and whaling.
Local governments encouraged the growth of democratic ideas in New England.
Coastal cities became important trading centers.

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Why did the population of Jamestown plummet between 1609 and the spring of 1610? *

The combination of famine, disease, and a harsh winter killed many in the colony.

The Powhatan Indians were significant because they: *
Brought food to help the colonists and taught them how to grow corn.

The Toleration Act of 1649 was significant to America’s development because it: *
Symbolized the American value of protecting the freedom of individuals and minority groups.

Which statement describes the Southern colonies in the late 1600s? *
The important cash crops were tobacco, rice, and indigo.

What was the primary reason the Pilgrims came to the New World? *
Religious freedom

Which quotation best expressed the point of view of a New England colonist on education? *
“All children need to learn to read, write, and do arithmetic.”

The Mayflower Compact could best be described as a/an *
Early attempt at self-government in the English colonies.

What can you infer based on the location of the cities in the New England colonies? (2 points) *
New England colonies’ economic activities included shipbuilding, fishing, and whaling.
Coastal cities became important trading centers.

To answer these questions, you would need to refer to historical information about Jamestown, the Powhatan Indians, the Toleration Act of 1649, the Southern colonies in the late 1600s, the primary reasons for the Pilgrims' arrival, the views on education in New England, and the location of cities in the New England colonies.

For the first question, the population of Jamestown plummeted between 1609 and the spring of 1610 due to a combination of famine, disease, and a harsh winter. This information can be obtained from historical records and accounts of the time.

Regarding the Powhatan Indians, they were significant because they brought food to help the colonists and taught them how to grow corn. This information can be found in historical accounts of the interaction between the Powhatan Indians and the Jamestown settlers.

The Toleration Act of 1649 was significant to America's development because it symbolized the American value of protecting the freedom of individuals and minority groups. To confirm this information, you can refer to historical sources and analysis of the Toleration Act and its impact on religious freedom in early America.

In the late 1600s, the Southern colonies were characterized by mostly large plantations and few small farms. The important cash crops were tobacco, rice, and indigo. This information can be obtained from historical records and analysis of the Southern colonies' economy and agricultural practices.

The primary reason the Pilgrims came to the New World was for religious freedom. This can be found in primary source documents such as the Mayflower Compact and accounts of the Pilgrims' journey and settlement.

The quotation that best expresses a New England colonist's viewpoint on education would be "All children need to be able to read the Bible." This reflects the importance of religious education in the New England colonies and can be corroborated through historical sources and analysis of the Puritan society's values.

The Mayflower Compact could be described as an early attempt at self-government in the English colonies. This can be confirmed by referring to the text of the Mayflower Compact and historical analysis of its significance in establishing a social contract for governing the Pilgrim colony.

Based on the location of cities in the New England colonies, you can infer that coastal cities became important trading centers. This can be supported by studying maps and historical records that highlight the economic activities of shipbuilding, fishing, and whaling in the New England colonies. Local governments also encouraged the growth of democratic ideas in New England, which can be observed through the establishment of town meetings and self-governing institutions.

In summary, to answer these questions, you would need to consult historical sources such as records, accounts, primary source documents, and historical analysis.

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