in a relationship between variable called that changes in response to another variable?

input function
independent variable
dependent variable (my choice)

If I understand your wording, yes I agree.

if y = f(x)
y is the dependent variable

In a relationship between variables, the dependent variable is the one that changes in response to another variable. The dependent variable is also sometimes referred to as the response variable or the output. It is the variable that we are interested in studying or measuring the effect of. On the other hand, the independent variable is the variable that is manipulated or controlled by the experimenter. It is the variable that is believed to have an effect on the dependent variable. The relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variable is often expressed through a mathematical function or equation.

In a relationship between variables, the variable that changes in response to another variable is called the dependent variable. The dependent variable is the one that is being measured or observed to see how it is affected by changes in the independent variable.

To identify the dependent variable, you should first determine the purpose or context of the relationship. For example, let's say you are conducting an experiment to investigate how the amount of sunlight affects the growth of plants. In this case, the growth of plants would be the dependent variable because it is the variable that is expected to depend on the amount of sunlight received.

Once you have identified the purpose or context, you can establish the relationship by setting up an equation or function. The function represents the mathematical relationship between the variables. You can express this relationship using function notation, such as:

f(x) = y

Here, "f(x)" represents the function or relationship, "x" represents the independent variable, and "y" represents the dependent variable.

The input function refers to the process of assigning values to the independent variable, usually denoted by "x", and calculating the corresponding values of the dependent variable, usually denoted by "y". This is done to analyze how changes in the independent variable affect the dependent variable.

By understanding the relationship between the variables, specifically the function and the identification of independent and dependent variables, you can effectively analyze and interpret data in various fields such as science, mathematics, economics, and social sciences.