After some dude named Columbus bumps into the American continents, thousands and thousands of people decide, "Hey, why not get on a rickety boat and risk drowning in a storm or dying of scurvy, just so long as there is a new frontier waiting at the end of the voyage?" What kind of traits were necessary for a person to survive as a settler in the New World?

3-4 sentences

What do you think?

Btw -- some claim ADHD was likely a prominent trait among explorers.

To survive as a settler in the New World, certain traits were essential. First, resilience and adaptability were crucial, as settlers had to face harsh climates, unfamiliar landscapes, and diseases. Second, resourcefulness was necessary to improvise and make the most of limited supplies and limited contact with the outside world. Lastly, physical strength and endurance were important for performing manual labor, farming, hunting, and building shelters in challenging environments.