Samantha's Recipe

3 1/2 parts cranapple juice
2 1/2 parts lemonade

Caden's Recipe
4 1/4 parts cranapple juice
3 3/4 parts lemonade

For each recipe, write a ratio that compares the number of parts of lemonade to the total number of parts.

Please help and thank you :D

Total parts is 4 1/4 + 3 3/4 = 7 4/4 = 8

lemonade is 3 3/4/8 or 3.75/8

or, (3 3/4)/8 = (15/4):(32/4) = 15:32

To write a ratio that compares the number of parts of lemonade to the total number of parts in each recipe, you need to find the total number of parts in each recipe and the number of parts of lemonade in each recipe.

For Samantha's recipe:
Total number of parts = 3 1/2 + 2 1/2 = 6 parts
Number of parts of lemonade = 2 1/2 parts

Therefore, the ratio that compares the number of parts of lemonade to the total number of parts in Samantha's recipe is:
2 1/2 : 6

For Caden's recipe:
Total number of parts = 4 1/4 + 3 3/4 = 8 parts
Number of parts of lemonade = 3 3/4 parts

Therefore, the ratio that compares the number of parts of lemonade to the total number of parts in Caden's recipe is:
3 3/4 : 8

Note: You can simplify the ratios if needed.