A music program is achieving its goals when children learn to

a. value music as part of everyday life
b. sing teacher- directed songs
c. play one instrument at high ability level
d. identify tunes by ear.

my answer is A.


To determine which answer is correct, let's analyze each option:

a. Value music as part of everyday life: This option aligns with the idea that a music program is successful if it helps children develop an appreciation and understanding of music beyond just the classroom setting. To check if this is the correct answer, we can review the goals of the music program and see if valuing music as part of everyday life is one of them.

b. Sing teacher-directed songs: This option suggests that the primary goal of the music program is for children to sing songs that are directed by their teacher. To determine if this is the correct answer, we can examine the objectives of the program and check if singing teacher-directed songs is a prominent goal.

c. Play one instrument at a high ability level: This option implies that the music program's primary goal is for children to become proficient in playing one specific instrument at an advanced level. To assess if this is the correct answer, we can review the program's objectives and see if developing high ability in one instrument is emphasized.

d. Identify tunes by ear: This option suggests that the music program's success is measured by the children's ability to recognize and identify tunes by ear. To determine if this is the correct answer, we can examine the program's goals and see if developing this skill is one of them.

Based on these explanations, if the goal of the music program is for children to value music as part of everyday life, then your answer of A would be correct. It is important to review the specific goals and objectives outlined in the music program to definitively determine the correct answer.