Imagine a family of farmers in the Neolithic Age. They are a multi-generational family living together on a large farm. They have bees, chickens, and other animals and crops that keep them fed. They have several shelters that are sturdy. Last year, however, floods came and took many of their large animals and rained out their crops. Some of the family died from starvation. They are replanting this year.

What cost and benefit of farming is shown in this situation?

Farming leaves people vulnerable to attack, but needs less land than hunting and gathering.

B. ******
Successful harvest not guaranteed due to weather, but more people can cooperate to build better shelters.

Herding animals and planting crops takes a lot of energy, but farming gave new sources of material for clothing.

Nomads might come to steal food or animals, but food surpluses lead to specialization of workers.

The Neolithic Agricultural Revolution was a revolution because people changed________.
Their religion
the way they lived(answer to the first missing word question)
their trading goods
the use of fire
The majority of people started_______.
farming *****
Who made up the largest social class of early civilizations?
prisoners captured in war or those who sold themselves into slavery

farmers and skilled workers

priests and rulers

merchants and traders

Please check my answers

Here are the answers 100% correct

1.Successful harvest not guaranteed due to weather, but more people can cooperate to build better shelters.
2.They began farming.
4.enslaved people
5.Homo sapiens
developed complex language
Neanderthals Nothing
Both Homo sapiens and Neanderthals
made tools
used fire
hunted animals
6.People hunt and gather food.
Sedentary agriculture develops.
Farming villages grow.
Cities develop.
7.because these areas were near rivers and fertile soil
8. Not as old as found in deeper land
9.People could live in places that otherwise would have been too cold.
10.arrive in Asia; arrive in the Americas
11.The paintings provide evidence that humans had become more complex.
12.Job specialization allows for a variety of goods and services to be produced
13.Humans begin farming plants for food.
Farmers domesticate cotton and flax.
People learn to weave fibers from flax and cotton.
Flax and cotton fibers make lighter materials to wear.
14.the amount of grain harvested
Last questions you have to do yourself hope this helps(:

I disagree with all of your answers. Please check your assigned reading.

I dont have any

thats the problem


2.the use of fire?
3. Gathering?

Where are you supposed to get the answers?

I don't know

Im going off of what I know

b or d on which question? all of them or which one?

so 2,3,4 are right?

Without question numbers and letter answers, it's hard to follow your post.

1.A? - yes
2.the use of fire? - no (What was your original answer?)
3. Gathering? - no (What was your original answer?)
4.d? - yes

The answers are:

1. B. Successful harvest not guaranteed due to weather, but more people can cooperate to build better shelters.
2. A. Farming
3. A. prisoners captured in war or those who sold themselves into slavery

Is this right?

2.the use of fire?
3. Gathering?

your little to late this was in 2019 this is 2021