A scuba diver uses negative numbers to represent her depths below sea level. She was at a depth of -1.5 meters. Then she dove down to a depth of -4.2 meters. What is the difference between those depths? Write your expression, show your work, and label your answer.

It's been many years since I had Algebra! Please check this answer:
-1.5 - - 4.2 = 2.7
or should it be 3.7?

oops, I left off the signs, both should be nagatives


2.7 is right.

This one too please:

The value of a stock drops 4 points each day for five straight days. What is the net change in the value of the stock? Write your expression and represent the daily change in value as an integer.

-4 points x 5 days = -20
net change is -20 points
daily change of -4 points

Thanks a million ya'll!

Your last answer is right.

Thank you Ms Sue!

To find the difference between the two depths, you can subtract the initial depth from the final depth. In this case, the initial depth is -1.5 meters, and the final depth is -4.2 meters.

To subtract a negative number, you can rewrite it as an addition. So, -1.5 - (-4.2) becomes -1.5 + 4.2.

Now, you can perform the addition:
-1.5 + 4.2 = 2.7

Therefore, the correct difference between the depths is 2.7 meters.