Which side of the triangle corresponds with developing friendship through communication?

What triangle?

Developing friendship through communication corresponds to the concept of the third side of the triangle, which is known as "Intimacy."

To better understand this concept, we can use the theory called the "Triangle of Love," which was proposed by psychologist Robert Sternberg. According to this theory, love can be represented by a triangle with three sides: passion, intimacy, and commitment.

Passion refers to the intense physical and emotional attraction between two individuals. Commitment represents the decision to stay committed and maintain a long-term relationship.

Intimacy, on the other hand, involves the emotional closeness and deep connection formed between two people. It includes components like trust, open communication, empathy, and friendship.

In terms of developing friendship through communication, it is primarily related to the intimacy component of the triangle. Communicating openly, honestly, and respectfully with your friends allows you to build trust, understand each other's perspectives, and develop a deeper emotional bond.

So, to recap, developing friendship through communication corresponds to the side of the triangle known as "Intimacy," which is one of the key aspects of building strong and meaningful relationships.