If a small village had a population of 1500people. 25%of population were girls and 30%of population were boys .what percentage of the population were children?

seems to be that the children are girls and boys, or 55%

Non-girls and boys would be the adults, right?

Abby -- you're insulting Asanda by assuming that s/he can't do a simple subtraction problem.

100 - 55 = ______%

To find out the percentage of the population that were children, we need to determine the total number of children in the village.

We know that 25% of the population were girls, and 30% were boys. To calculate the number of girls in the village, we multiply the total population by the percentage of girls:

Number of girls = (25/100) * 1500 = 0.25 * 1500 = 375

Similarly, we can calculate the number of boys in the village:

Number of boys = (30/100) * 1500 = 0.30 * 1500 = 450

To find the total number of children, we add the number of girls and boys:

Total number of children = Number of girls + Number of boys = 375 + 450 = 825

To calculate the percentage of the population that were children, we divide the total number of children by the total village population and multiply by 100:

Percentage of children = (Total number of children / Total village population) * 100
= (825 / 1500) * 100
= 0.55 * 100
= 55%

Therefore, 55% of the population in the small village were children.