Isaac gets paid $400.00 per week plus a commission $10.00 for every item he sells. Write the equation that shows the relationship between the number of items he sells and his weekly income.

i think it would be 400+10x= his income. I would wait for one of the admins to confirm it tho

looks good to me

Let's represent the number of items Isaac sells as 'x', and his weekly income as 'y'. The equation that shows the relationship between the number of items he sells and his weekly income can be written as:

y = 400 + 10x

In this equation, the fixed component of Isaac's weekly income is represented by '400' (his base salary), and the commission component is represented by '10x', where 'x' is the number of items he sells.

To write the equation that shows the relationship between the number of items Isaac sells and his weekly income, we need to consider that Isaac gets paid a fixed amount of $400.00 per week regardless of the number of items he sells. Additionally, he also receives a $10.00 commission for every item he sells.

Let's denote the number of items Isaac sells as "x" and his weekly income as "y".

The equation can be written as:

y = 400 + 10x

In this equation, the variable "x" represents the number of items Isaac sells, and "y" represents his weekly income. The fixed amount of $400.00 is added to the product of $10.00 and the number of items sold, represented by 10x.

By plugging in different values for "x," you can determine Isaac's weekly income based on the number of items he sells.