John draws a square on a coordinate plane. Then, he draws an image of the square 3 units to the right of the original square. What is true about the corresponding sides of the original figure and the image?

The corresponding sides are skew.

The corresponding sides intersect at one point.

The corresponding sides intersect at an infinite number of points.

The corresponding sides are parallel.***


Ok Thank you

To determine the answer, we need to understand the properties of a square and how it is transformed when it is moved 3 units to the right on a coordinate plane.

A square is a quadrilateral with all four sides equal in length and all four angles equal to 90 degrees. In a square, opposite sides are parallel and congruent to each other.

When John moves the square 3 units to the right, all the corresponding sides are still parallel to each other. Therefore, the correct answer is D. The corresponding sides are parallel.