An idea that may be formed from evidence but has not been confirmed by evidence is called a(n)?

Heyo! I got some information for you that WILL be helpful for Lesson 4: Scientific Literacy in Unit 1: Introduction to Science 7 Assessment (Not Quiz or Test)

There are supposed to be 6/6 questions here so please verify if this is correct before reading the rest of this.

Answers? 🌺
1. Having scientific literacy involves being able to
Answer: all of the above

2. Which of the following describes a relationship between science and society?
Answer: Scientific discoveries can impact human life; therefore, society must remain scientifically literate.

3. An idea that may be formed from evidence but has not been confirmed by evidence is called a(n)
Answer: Opinion.

4.Criteria for evaluating Internet websites as reliable sources of scientific Information would not include
Answer: determining how long it takes the information on the website to load.

5. Analyze the following passage. Determine which type of writing is represented in the passage. β€œThe planet Mars is the Fourth planet from the sun and is named after Mars, The Roman god of war. Mars has iron rich, brown-red soil and is home to the tallest known mountain in the solar system.”
Answer: Informative writing

6. Analyze the following passage. Determine which text structure the author used in the passage.

Read the passage, I was too lazy to put it in here. Sorry!

Answer: cause and effect

Can this all be verified within my course? πŸ“
Of course it can! Go back into the slides and check your learning resources...I will list some slides that will help you find the answer!...

Slides 5/7, 4/7, 3/7, and 2/7

(Not sure if 2/7 can help but you might as well check)

I hope this all helps 🌹 πŸ˜ƒ

It’s actually an opinion. Soooo you guys are WRONG!

theory? hypothesis?

im sorry but i dont know

Thank yoy

An idea that may be formed from evidence but has not been confirmed by evidence is called a hypothesis. To understand this term, it's helpful to have some background knowledge about the scientific method.

The scientific method is a systematic approach used by scientists to investigate and understand the natural world. It involves making observations, formulating a hypothesis based on those observations, conducting experiments or gathering more evidence, and then drawing conclusions based on the results.

A hypothesis is an educated guess or a proposed explanation for a phenomenon. It is typically based on prior knowledge, observations, or available evidence. However, it is important to note that a hypothesis is not yet considered to be a proven fact or a confirmed explanation.

To test a hypothesis, scientists design experiments or conduct further research to gather additional evidence. The collected data is then analyzed to determine if it supports or rejects the hypothesis. If the hypothesis is consistent with the evidence and can explain the observations, it may be further developed into a theory or a law.

Therefore, when an idea is based on evidence but has not been confirmed by additional evidence or experiments, it remains a hypothesis – a potential explanation that requires further investigation and testing to establish its validity.