I am aware that yahoo e-mail has been experiencing technical difficulties. Does anyone know when this service will be restored? Also, I have heard a rumor from one source that the outages may take longer than usual to resolve because at&t workers are on strike. Is that true or not?

To find out when Yahoo email service will be restored, you can try the following steps:

1. Visit the Yahoo Help Center: Go to the Yahoo Help Center website (https://help.yahoo.com/), which provides assistance and information regarding known issues and service disruptions.

2. Check service status: Look for any announcements or updates about the email service outage on the Yahoo Help Center's main page. They often provide information about ongoing issues and estimated time for service restoration.

3. Social media platforms: Check Yahoo's official social media accounts like Twitter, where they may post updates and respond to user queries regarding service disruptions.

Regarding the rumor about AT&T workers being on strike and its impact on Yahoo email service, you can follow these steps to verify the information:

1. Visit credible news sources: Go to news websites or use a search engine to find recent news articles about AT&T workers going on strike. Look for reputable sources such as major news outlets to validate the information.

2. Check official statements: Look for official statements or press releases from AT&T or any relevant labor unions representing the workers. These statements can provide insight into any strike activity or its potential impacts on services.

3. Monitor AT&T's official channels: Keep an eye on AT&T's official website and social media accounts for any official updates or announcements about the strike and its potential impact on services.

Remember, rumors are not always accurate, so it's important to verify the information from reliable sources and official channels to get the most accurate and up-to-date information on both Yahoo email service restoration and the potential impact of the AT&T strike.