I got a 3006 on my Scantron, is that good?

To determine whether a score of 3006 on a Scantron is good or not, I need some additional information. Scantron is a brand of bubble sheet designed for multiple-choice exams, so the score you mentioned could be the total number of correct answers out of a particular number of questions. However, without knowing the total number of questions or the scoring system used, I cannot determine if it is a good score or not.

If you have access to the answer key or the scoring rubric, you can compare your score to the maximum possible score to evaluate its relative quality. Additionally, knowing the average or desired score of others who took the same exam or a similar one can provide context for assessing your performance.

It's worth noting that scores alone rarely provide a complete picture of one's abilities or knowledge. Factors such as the difficulty of the test, the time constraints, or personal expectations can affect the interpretation of a score.